Advice for Men

The 26 year old who dumped me over email, gave a previous girlfriend a Hallmark card to dump her..... note to all the men out there who think it's a brilliant idea..... uhhhhh good luck with that..... You probably won't be made fun of for the rest of your life you coward!
...And if you're in a ten to 20 year age range of my parents..... yeeeeeahhh um... yeeeeaah. Where do I start..... it's just sooo wrong.... besides the whole, ewww it's just gross thing..... How do I put this lightly...... Logically speaking I'd fear my kind of "fun" would result in your kind of hip replacement. Just not cool.
great work caroline :)
ah, that really sux, i could never figure out how people could be that impersonal when you are dating someone. no worries, i'm sure someone awesome will come along eventualyy, they always do.
and ps, your drawing is funny as heck, love it
Wow! guys totally suck. Thats when you bump into them a few years later and they're still working at Starbuck's and you're making 6 digits (I personally live for those moments and had one this weekend). Hey, you didn't need the extra baggage anyway!
As for the old dudes, I see your yuk and raise you a yuk! "When necrophilia becomes the rage, I'll give you a call sir."
Haha. I like how you present all this insanity. You have a eally cool cartoony style. I like the beautiful drawings of musicians below also. Reminds me of Al Hirschfeld, but that's the type of style where it's really not just a matter of copying, you've really made it your own.
The simpler style of the relationship cartoons is hilarious too. Great stuff!
I just wrote to break up with you.... haha love your stuff
LOL!! Wicked!
CJ your blog is really hummmm well lets just say an eye openner for all men out there lol... Great stuff I want to see more..
Yeah! Guys SUCK! - Wait a minute ... ;)
Though I do agree that some guys are suckier than others. And guys who don't have any honor at all are the type that will probably do something sucky. I myself only suck at certain things (like when I just don't feel like changing the sand in our cat's litter box), but have honor in other things. You can ask my wife for details.
But anyways: cool work. I really like the girl's expression. I'll go change the sand now. Just to be sure.
oooh that's rough. Hopefully ya didn't lose much sleep over it.
Cool you can tap into this kinda stuff for inspiration. Thanks fer sharin' by the way! Neat-o!
Wow... What an ass.. Nothing like being sevearly impersonal about a very personal subject... And yeah... watch out for those old guys... they can be pretty persistant... Not that I know.. I mean... I don't have old men chasing me down in the streets... hehe.... ahem..... I fear I've said too much.....
nice old man drawing
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