Thursday, April 06, 2006

Mail Order Bride-To-Be????

Had a chat with my Ex-Best friend, my loan officer Tom- who used to give me money during my 7 year career as a student so I could live a lavish lifestyle. According to my Ex-Best friend APPARENTLY I have to pay it back... so in his office we started weighing my options... right now as I sit here an unemployed animator living with my parents (not embarrassing at all .. eeeee) I'm thinking I need to make an ad to be a mail order bride.... find me a sugga daddy so I can forget what the term Starving Artist is.....

.... but then I think about men I've attracted in the past such as these guys who say shit like:

"So it's like pretty cool that I only have to wear diapers some of the time eh?"

"My super religious Dad is going to be so disappointed in me when he finds out what we did last night." "What?!?! The doors and all the first floor windows were locked.... and I called 15 times and no one answered. Had to make sure there wasn't another guy with you, and that you were safe."
"Sorry I haven't called lately. I was in the psych ward the last two weeks."
" ... BUT I was TWO TIME gold medalist at the Special Olympics!!! TWO TIME!!!"

Maybe being single isn't so bad afterall! ... and yes these are all based on real events that happened to me.

I'm considering turning these crappy little thumnails into a funny little comic strip.... Put some time into some decent designs. It's unreal how many strange and bizarre events I've been through with men.... I may as well make some good out of the unlucky situations I've been through.


At 7:00 AM, Blogger Kevin Mcleod said...

Caroline I made the other office gophers pop outta there cubes I laughed so hard. I know excatly what you whent through with the whole loan office thing. I would love to offer my pencil in helping you with the comic strip idea. let me know if that sounds like a good idea. PS thanks for the advise on loosing up on drawing, very helpfull.

At 10:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

these are damn funny.
A compilation of some sort is definitely in order.

thanks for your nice words on my blog.
-I'll check back for more fun drawings-


At 4:38 PM, Blogger said...

Beautiful work Caroline,so fun and pretty!!

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

I feel the need to commend you on an amazing set of pics that will no doubt make a wonderful comic strip!! I also feel the need to confirm the validity of these anyone who may read them and think "can you imagine if that really did happen?" I assure you these really did happen...

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Kyle Marshall said...

wow, yea, god luck with mail order thing, im sure you'll snagg a winner

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Steve Stark said...

HAHA thats freakin great. I wear diapers for the rash.

At 9:34 PM, Blogger Geoff Leonard said...

OMG! Man CJ those cartoons bring back such funny memories of the river. really it was creepy then but man it's hilarious stuff now!

At 4:37 AM, Blogger Willie Baronet said...

Your stuff is hilarious! :-)


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