Dr. John and Joni Mitchell starting out my tribute to The Last Waltz..... I have so much respect for the musicians featured in the film that it's definitely going to be an added challenge to do them justice..... but I'll give it a shot anyways.... what's there to lose? It's all landfill in the end so I might as well experiment while I can.
Thanks for all the comments! Every one of them inspires me to create more and more so a huge sincere THANKS!!!
Thanks for the new comment I'm just slugging away so I can go to my collage and have my demo reel remade. As for adding links you go into yout template page and look for the side bar section. Find where the code is for google news and under that just change the edit me to whatever or whoever you want linked. Took me a month banging my haed aganst the wall boy did it feel good when i stoped : ) Later
I love your work! Its so simple yet so detailed at the same time. It's amazing.
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