Sunday, June 04, 2006

Hungry Bum Blues

K so it's no secret that I have the flattest ass in the universe.... I mean it's sexy and all, but seriously it's frickin hard to buy fundies..... I went a little nuts at LaSenza this past weekend only to find out that the size Mediums I bought are a bit saggy... which only leads to major wedgies. It's not like a size small will ever fit a girl who can polish off a 2L of ice cream in less than 2 days. This is a major problem people..... What the F am I supposed to do?!?!? Please help!


At 4:43 AM, Blogger Dan Elder said...

He Jarvis thanks for the comments, All that ass talk got me in the mood, how about I build a penny fort for 2? *wink*wink*

At 8:06 AM, Blogger CarolineJarvis said...

oooooo lala! have I found the man of my dreams?!?! hahaha!

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Mattstro Disastro said...

Make your own.

Or don't wear any.

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Mitchel Kennedy said...

Uhh.... I can't help you. My problem is quite of opposite.

Sobeys might have some loafs of bread on sale. You could try jamming them down your pants. Er.. don't jam anything that's going down your pants! Sure, sticky buns are great, but not in jeans.

Good luck!

At 1:42 AM, Blogger Jeremy said...

Hahaha, did anyone ever tell you that you're funny? Guys have it so easy in this world too... we just eat, sleep, rinse and repeat :P Thanks for the insight into your world.

At 9:56 AM, Blogger Dan Elder said...

WELL....if you bought new lip gloss then just a fort won't do.. keep those lips glossy and that ass flat and I'll build us a penny manson WOOT WOOT

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Kyle Marshall said...

give up and do the commando thing. O just give up on life completely!

At 11:29 AM, Blogger Daviswares said...

Buy a bunch of cheddar smokies, always eat them by sitting down, sit down as much as possible and eat cheddar smokies, buy a rascal and eat cheddar smokies on the road. buy a big rig 18 wheeler and eat cheddar smokies... drive around for hours, your ass will be huge in no time.

At 7:52 PM, Blogger CarolineJarvis said...

what the hell is a rascal and a cheddar smokie?!?!?!

At 3:53 AM, Blogger Daviswares said...

Motorized wheelchair and delicious sausage... vroom sizzle

At 4:45 AM, Blogger Mark said...

Well it's no secret now is it!!?? could've kept that under wraps with a couple of bags of frozen peas an' no-one would've been the wiser...still. Here's what you do...

Don't wear any...I'm sorry, but I'm with Mattstro...however, IF you can be bothered, eat lots of Ben and Jerry's whilst doing situps...this will invariably redirect the newly aquired chub, into the desired area...


...believe me, it'll be better for all of us!...should you get fat in the belly thou, and you get my precise directions wrong, I for one will not darken these blogs again...not without a blindfold anyway...


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